Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Can My German Shepherd Eat Watermelon?

Watermelon is a harmless treat for your German Shepherd. I buy the seedless kind and I do not feed them the rind. The seeds and the rind could possibly cause some stomach upset and I don't suggest giving them watermelon in large amounts too often. Balling the melon with a melon baller and feeding them as little treats here and there work great! You don't have to worry about what's in it. Watermelon is mostly water and can not harm your pets. So enjoy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dog Pregnancy

If your German Shepherd becomes pregnant, she will be for about 9 weeks. Your normal feeding and exercise among other things must change to accommodate her and her unborn puppies. You aren't just feeding her anymore... she may be eating for 4! Adding vitamins and protein to her food is a great idea. Keeping her on a regular exercise routine as you did before she became pregnant is very important. The exercise needs to be more calm and laid back so she doesn't strain too much.

Some of the symptoms in the first couple weeks may be some weight gain, possible morning sickness and just being a bit restless at times. If you are unsure of what's going on, take her into your vet for an ultrasound to make sure you are taking all the proper precautions to help her along with a healthy and easy pregnancy.

Preparing for the puppies and making your German Shepherd comfortable is the first and most important thing at the beginning of this process. A whelping box is something you should set up for your dog to nest in and give birth. This will keep the mess out of your living room, bedroom or wherever she would decide to have her babies. Make sure it's well padded and in a spot that she can have some privacy and feel protected and secure. I wouldn't suggest trying to deliver the babies as they like to have some space when the birthing process takes place. I would just stay near by just in case you are needed.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Walking Your German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a very strong dog breed so you need to train him or her to walk beside you first off. This will keep them from taking you on a walk! For more control of your dog, using a choke chain or a harness is recommended. Treats always work wonders with German Shepherds when it comes to training them and rewarding them for good behavior.

This breed needs a lot of exercise so that is something you need to take into account before bringing one home. If you already have one then you know they need a good lengthy walk everyday. It will keep them happy, healthy and sane. Socializing them on walks beginning at a young age is extremely important so they learn how to interact with humans and other dogs without being aggressive. This way you will see how they react in these situations and you can correct them right away if needed.

I suggest you working with your German Shepherd amongst family pets and friends before taking him/her out into the public. You must make sure they are prepared and will listen to every command you give them when around others so you don't have any problems. German Shepherds are great dogs and deserve all the love and attention you can give, they will do the same for you :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dog Depression

Just like with any dog, they like and need companionship. If they are left home all day long alone, they can become depressed just like humans. They are a very people oriented breed and need to be socialized and they need human interaction.

In many cases, German Shepherds that are taken from their environment and put into a shelter or if you adopt a German Shepherd and bring it home you may notice some signs of depression such as whining, pacing, loss of interest in toys or exercise, barking and a lot of nervous energy. A few other signs of depression in your German Shepherd are loss of appetite, weight loss, aggressive behavior and restlessness. These are all signs to look out for.

You may be wondering what it is that a dog has to be depressed about... here are a few things that can cause it: some kind of medical condition, drastic weather changes and environmental changes. All of these things can cause depression in humans as well. If you see any signs that I have listed ( which there are quite a bit more ) it's very important that you take your German Shepherd to the vet to nip it in the bud right away before anything worsens. We are responsible for their health and their happiness.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How Often Should I Brush My German Shepherds Hair?

When you brush your German Shepherds hair you need to start at the head and go all the way down to the tail. You can use a wide tooth brush or you could use a Furminator to remove all of the loose hair underneath the top coat. This way you don't have to do any back combing. If you do use a wide tooth comb then you do have to back comb to remove all of the dead hair stuck underneath. You will want to get under his or her chin as well as around the top of the head. Be gentle when doing this, you don't want to hurt your dog.

This should be done about once a week, you don't want to do it every single day as that can cause them to get bald patches. All German Shepherd puppies should get used to this right away and it should be made a pleasurable experience for them since it will happen so often through their life. When brushing your German Shepherd you should always check for fleas and anything else that shouldn't be in the fur. Your dogs fur will go through changes twice a year, we all know it as shedding but it's actually called moulting. This is when your dog sheds all of the inner coat which is under the outer coat. It needs to be brushed out so the new fur can come in.

So basically brushing your German Shepherd once a week is in order. If you let him go too long with out brushing then the hair will begin to mat and it will be painful for them to be brushed. We don't want that and neither do they.